Monday, September 26, 2011


God has created us for a specific purpose in life.  I strive to be more like that image daily: learning and working on myself to being more like Jesus.  I want to experience life in extraordinary ways by having a relationship with God.  I just finished the book below that I read with my small group from Church. 

The woman I am growing towards requires being radically obedient to God.  As Lysa Terkeurst says it, "Obedience is more than just 'not sinning.'  It is having the overwhelming desire to walk in the center of God's will at every moment.  Don't stumble over fearing you won't be perfect or that you are sure to mess up.  Saying yes to God isn't about perfect performance, but rather perfect surrender to the Lord day by day.  Your obedience becomes radical the minute this desire turns into real action.  Radical obedience is hearing from God, feeling his nudges, participating in His activity, and experiencing His blessing is ways few people ever do."  So I'm not saying I'm perfect - I'm human - we all are.  I just want to listen to God because he simply knows what is best.  How do you listen to God when you don't hear an audible voice?

I've learned to ask my self 5 simple questions when I'm questioning if God is talking to me.
  1. Does what I'm hearing line up with Scripture?
  2. Is it consistent with God's character?
  3. Is it being confirmed through messages I'm hearing at church or studying in my quiet times?
  4. Is it beyond me?
  5. Would it please God?
If the answers to these questions are YES - chances are God is speaking.

I challenge you ladies - take the time to read this book.  It gave me a different perspective on how I should view my life.

1 comment:

  1. I love love love you Kelsey and love the girl God designed you to encourage me every single time we are together and you literally have the most beautiful I've ever seen...I see Jesus shining in you so much Kelseybear!!
