We had a wonderful relaxing time on our honeymoon at the Excellence Resort to Playa Mujeres, Mexico (30 minutes outside Cancun). Check out our resort
HERE. We really enjoyed our time hanging out and being together for an entire week --- even if it did rain 90% of the time!

Part of the resort ---> B-E-Autiful!
On the plane and ready for some Mexico sun! We left on the 4th of July - Even though we went to Mexico on the 4th we still represent the USA baby!
Once again - we represent!!!!
So --- I had to re-enact the Jessica Simpson USA picture! For those of you that don't know - I love Jessica Simpson and her love for God.
So there it is! :) Not quite the same - I did my best!
They made us feel at home with 4th of July decorations, fire works and a Michael Jackson impersonator! It was tons of fun!
I was excited about our first letter that said Mr. and Mrs. Shackley!
Dean and I both loved Anthony! I pretended to have his job for the picture.
hammock time.
Martin helped us take our bags to the room and gave us a quick orientation of our resort.
On our way to swim with the dolphins! This was my dream! :)
It rained so much causing flooding of the streets.
Right before seeing the dolphins!
We switched hats!
We told them it was our honeymoon - they brought us an Anniversary dessert! It's the thought that counts. :)
Our room number - 5105. We had a wonderful honeymoon!